Posted on October 14, 2021 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Akashic Records, asking for help, EFT, Energy Healing, healing journey, Identity, inner guidance, inner knowing, intuition, Joy, Meridian Tapping, Oneness, rise of the feminine, sacred self, self care, spiritual guidance, spiritual journey, Spirituality, Subconscious Blocks, Success, Trauma, Vibration
What happens when it’s finally safe to exhale? Listen in as the incredible Kate Brenton and I have a candid conversation about all things energy, the quantum field, healing, trauma, self trust, outgrowing our identity, the rise of the feminine and what happens when it’s finally safe to exhale:
Posted on April 15, 2019 by Heidi Garis in Uncategorized
How do we bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be? It’s largely an inner game and here is one critical aspect you have to address to create the success you desire: And if you’re really looking to bridge your own gap click below now and join me for my […]
Posted on November 9, 2017 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, Energy Healing, Infinite Possibility, Joy, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Money & Finances, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, self sabotage, Subconscious Blocks
Would you pay $5.00 for 5 minutes of this? Hysterical, right? The first time I saw this I laughed until I peed! And this Bob Newhart bit flashed across the screen of my mind again today because it illustrates almost perfectly something that’s been in my craw lately. So, hold on tight cuz I’m gettin‘ out […]
Posted on April 24, 2017 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Consciousness, Energy Healing, Happiness, Infinite Possibility, Joy, Limiting Beliefs, Miscellaneous, Money & Finances, Release Abundance Blocks, Spirituality, Success, Vibration
A little while ago I realized that my business was running me instead of me running my business. Any of you entrepreneurs out there relate? On the one hand I LOVE what I do. I took my passion and turned it into my life’s work. So what was I doing in my […]
Posted on February 18, 2016 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Consciousness, EFT, Happiness, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Money & Finances, Overwhelm, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, self sabotage, Subconscious Blocks, Uncategorized, Weight Release
Sometimes ya just gotta wonder. And right now I’m wondering. And the question I am posing to myself is: Am I just a colossal klutz with no grace whatsoever or a subconscious genius with superior self-sabotage skills? Read on and judge for yourself. The day started out great. I worked all morning, had some great […]
Posted on January 1, 2016 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Consciousness, Energy Healing, Limiting Beliefs, Money & Finances, Success
Happy New Year! Wow– 2016!! Who’d-a-thunk it would have gotten here so fast?! Did your year fly by too? How was your 2015? It seemed to be an interesting but extra-challenging year for TONS of people- Me included. Most of my colleagues, coach-friends and clients are echoing this too. 2015 was filled with massive bumps […]
Posted on November 6, 2014 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, angels, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, Source, Spirituality, Stress Relief, Subconscious Blocks, Success
The other day I was really feeling like I didn’t wanna sit down and do my morning check-in with the Universe. I have this morning routine where I like to get quiet and connect-in with Source and my angels but that day I was resisting like crazy! Each time I tried I couldn’t get focused. […]
Posted on January 18, 2014 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, EFT, Release Abundance Blocks, Subconscious Blocks, Success
A few weeks before Christmas my 8-year old daughter went through a crisis of faith. This season, the talk amongst her 3rd grade classmates was that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. And so, my sweet, trusting, magical daughter came home one day with worry on her face and, by bedtime, tears in her eyes. She was […]
Posted on September 1, 2013 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Money & Finances, Uncategorized
Mythbustin’ “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” I always laughed when ‘mad scientist’ Adam of Mythbusters made that comment in the opening credits. But recently his words echoed in my ears when I realized how poignant (have I ever used that word before?) they are. Although I have a pretty open-minded circle of […]