Posted on December 21, 2023 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, asking for help, EFT, Energy Healing, grief, guilt, Happiness, healing journey, Joy, low self esteem, Money, Money & Finances, Overwhelm, Resistance, self care, self judgment, self sabotage, shame, Stress Relief, Subconscious Blocks, Trauma, Uncategorized, Weight Release
This was really hard to write. It took me a bunch of drafts and more than 2 weeks to write. And I’m asking you to please, please read it – ALL. Take it in.Then let it sink in- even if it’s hard for you to read. I kept pushing the writing away because it hurt. It hurts. […]
Posted on September 8, 2017 by Heidi Garis in access consciousness, EFT, Energy Healing, grief, guilt, Overwhelm, Procrastination, Resistance, self judgment, self sabotage
I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up That’s how it felt. I went back to Japan this summer, my home for a decade. It’d been 18 years since I left and it was like stepping through the looking glass. I felt like a stranger and yet oddly at home. SO much was different […]
Posted on February 18, 2016 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Consciousness, EFT, Happiness, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Money & Finances, Overwhelm, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, self sabotage, Subconscious Blocks, Uncategorized, Weight Release
Sometimes ya just gotta wonder. And right now I’m wondering. And the question I am posing to myself is: Am I just a colossal klutz with no grace whatsoever or a subconscious genius with superior self-sabotage skills? Read on and judge for yourself. The day started out great. I worked all morning, had some great […]
Posted on December 23, 2014 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, EFT, Meridian Tapping, Overwhelm, Release Abundance Blocks, Stress Relief, Success
It’s that time of year again, here in the USA — the holiday season! And I have to tell ya, I totally got caught up in the crazy busy-ness of it all and neglected to leave time for something pretty important! Sleep has become the last thing on my to do list and I’m wondering […]
Posted on September 5, 2014 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Money & Finances, Overwhelm, Release Abundance Blocks, Stress Relief, Subconscious Blocks, Success
September! I’m back from a long and lovely week of perfect weather, fun, sun and surf! My family and I spent a week in Ocean City, NJ at the end of August and it was just the perfect wrap-up of a wonderful summer. Morning Beach in OCNJ We rode our bikes on the boardwalk (Our […]
Posted on October 24, 2013 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Money & Finances, Overwhelm
S What do you think of when you hear the word “loop”? To be honest, the first thing I think of is a loopty–loop roller coaster. That, in turn, brings back the terror-filled, childhood memory (TAPTAPTAP) of Hershey Park and being trapped on the brand-new, cutting edge (at the time) Lightening Loops. I was- […]