Posted on October 16, 2016 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Gratitude, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Money & Finances, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance
I LOVE LOVE LOVE when stuff like this ‘happens’– (not the beginning of my story but the end!) 🙂 Last year tax time traumatized me. I’d had my best year ever but despite dutifully paying quarterly estimates, when the time came to sit in front of my accountant and receive the verdict of what more I owed, […]
Posted on October 1, 2015 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Consciousness, EFT, Energy Healing, Gratitude, guilt, Happiness, Limiting Beliefs, low self esteem, Money, Money & Finances, Release Abundance Blocks, self judgment, shame, Spirituality, Stress Relief, Subconscious Blocks, Success, Vibration
Here’s the thing– I’m kinda geeky in certain ways and I can’t help my love of learning. So when I hear a neuroscientist has ideas that line up with my own I kinda get all warm and fuzzy inside. So why is it so hard to be happy sometimes? Why do we so easily go […]
Posted on September 1, 2013 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Money & Finances, Uncategorized
Mythbustin’ “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” I always laughed when ‘mad scientist’ Adam of Mythbusters made that comment in the opening credits. But recently his words echoed in my ears when I realized how poignant (have I ever used that word before?) they are. Although I have a pretty open-minded circle of […]
Posted on October 15, 2012 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Limiting Beliefs, Money & Finances
I Think I Need a 12-Step: My Plants vs. Zombies Addiction Are you familiar with the video game Plants vs. Zombies? Ok, I’m not a true “gamer” (really!) but this little fantasy world has got me hooked! Killing zombies who are trying to invade my house and eat my brains is my new, fun way […]
Posted on December 23, 2011 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Money & Finances, Uncategorized
BELIEF IS EVERYTHING!! And now a word from a short funny-looking dude: Belief is Everything! (click) Sometimes Hollywood can come up with some brilliant, thought-provoking scenes and this was one for me. Belief is so important to our success and I think pretty much pre-determines whether or not we’ll achieve what we want. But what […]
Posted on September 13, 2011 by Heidi Garis in Abundance
What in the World Are You Holding Onto That For?!?! I recently attended a wonderful marketing mastery workshop with EFT Business Coach, Pamela Bruner, and was challenged to “uplevel” in some areas– Even a small up-leveling gives the message to yourself and others that you deserve abundance and are worth it! And in terms of […]
Posted on September 12, 2010 by Heidi Garis in Abundance
What is abundance? When you come across that word what pops into your mind? Money? The home of your dreams? A fancy, new car? I think those things come to mind for many of us and those things can certainly be a piece of an abundant life. But what comes to mind for me is […]