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Don’t let this happen to you…

This was really hard  to write. It took me a bunch of drafts and more than 2 weeks to write. And I’m asking you to please, please read it – ALL. Take it in.Then let it sink in- even if it’s hard for you to read. I kept pushing the writing away because it hurt.  It hurts. […]

One way to manifest your heart’s desire

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here in the US! Despite the controversial origins of this holiday, gratitude is ALWAYS relevant- ALWAYS magical in its natural way of boosting our mood, our vibration and opening up avenues for what we desire to be our reality. So- what is a heart’s desire for you? We’re coming […]

A Silly Question (and re-remembering of some special guidance and magic)

Thank you for reading this.  We’re all so inundated these days and I appreciate you taking the time to stop and see what I’m sharing. 🙂 Silly question but – Have you ever lost something?  Like your car keys, your purse or your phone? Something you use all the time, that’s always close at hand and then  It’s […]

20 Signs You Need It

How do you know if you need to do some inner work?         No one ever holds up a sign or anything, right?   So how do you know? To clarify things, here are 20 actual signs you can count on that indicate your inner game needs some TLC: 1. You keep repeating […]

Getting to the Other Side

How do we bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be? It’s largely an inner game and here is one critical aspect you have to address to create the success you desire: And if you’re really looking to bridge your own gap click below now and join me for my […]

Super-Klutz or Self-Saboteur?

Sometimes ya just gotta wonder. And right now I’m wondering. And the question I am posing to myself is: Am I just a colossal klutz with no grace whatsoever or a subconscious genius with superior self-sabotage skills? Read on and judge for yourself. The day started out great.  I worked all morning, had some great […]

Talk Therapy and EFT

Heidi migrated from traditional “talk therapy” to EFT — to help her clients make the most progress and change possible.

Gratitude Shmatitude

Sometimes we know we should be feeling grateful cuz the feeling of gratitude can really help us create more reasons to be grateful, right?  (In other words, tapping into gratitude can bring more of the stuff we’re wanting into our reality!)  But it can be hard to get to that space sometimes– especially if we’re […]

Ok Now, This is Weird…

Ok, This is Weird Well, Tax Day, (which was April 15th for those of you outside the USA), has come and gone and I have to say it was an interesting one for me! I am grateful to have a wonderful accountant, who just happens to be my cousin.  However, this means that his big […]


Mythbustin’ “I reject your reality and substitute my own!”  I always laughed when ‘mad scientist’ Adam of Mythbusters made that comment in the opening credits.  But recently his words echoed in my ears when I realized how poignant (have I ever used that word before?) they are.  Although I have a pretty open-minded circle of […]