Posted on November 9, 2017 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, Energy Healing, Infinite Possibility, Joy, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Money & Finances, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, self sabotage, Subconscious Blocks
Would you pay $5.00 for 5 minutes of this? Hysterical, right? The first time I saw this I laughed until I peed! And this Bob Newhart bit flashed across the screen of my mind again today because it illustrates almost perfectly something that’s been in my craw lately. So, hold on tight cuz I’m gettin‘ out […]
Posted on May 11, 2017 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Consciousness, EFT, Energy Healing, Infinite Possibility, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, Subconscious Blocks, Success
Ok — Truth: This is not a real zombie. And it wasn’t digging in my garden. This is a pic of me a year ago when, in the midst of planting my spring pallet, inspired analogies sprouted in my brain and quickly took root. By the time I washed the ‘zombie’ off me (seriously, my hands could […]
Posted on October 16, 2016 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, access consciousness, Gratitude, Limiting Beliefs, Money, Money & Finances, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance
I LOVE LOVE LOVE when stuff like this ‘happens’– (not the beginning of my story but the end!) 🙂 Last year tax time traumatized me. I’d had my best year ever but despite dutifully paying quarterly estimates, when the time came to sit in front of my accountant and receive the verdict of what more I owed, […]
Posted on November 6, 2014 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, angels, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Procrastination, Release Abundance Blocks, Resistance, Source, Spirituality, Stress Relief, Subconscious Blocks, Success
The other day I was really feeling like I didn’t wanna sit down and do my morning check-in with the Universe. I have this morning routine where I like to get quiet and connect-in with Source and my angels but that day I was resisting like crazy! Each time I tried I couldn’t get focused. […]
Posted on September 1, 2013 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, Consciousness, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Money & Finances, Uncategorized
Mythbustin’ “I reject your reality and substitute my own!” I always laughed when ‘mad scientist’ Adam of Mythbusters made that comment in the opening credits. But recently his words echoed in my ears when I realized how poignant (have I ever used that word before?) they are. Although I have a pretty open-minded circle of […]
Posted on December 23, 2011 by Heidi Garis in Abundance, EFT, Limiting Beliefs, Meridian Tapping, Money & Finances, Uncategorized
BELIEF IS EVERYTHING!! And now a word from a short funny-looking dude: Belief is Everything! (click) Sometimes Hollywood can come up with some brilliant, thought-provoking scenes and this was one for me. Belief is so important to our success and I think pretty much pre-determines whether or not we’ll achieve what we want. But what […]