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Belief is Everything!!!

BELIEF IS EVERYTHING!! And now a word from a short funny-looking dude: Belief is Everything! (click) Sometimes Hollywood can come up with some brilliant, thought-provoking scenes and this was one for me.  Belief is so important to our success and I think pretty much pre-determines whether or not we’ll achieve what we want.  But what […]

An Abundant Definition of Money

“The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.” I LOVE that definition– (wish I could claim it as my own but I borrowed it from Joe Vitale who borrowed it from someone else!) When you view money like this it makes paying bills, giving to your church or charity, paying your lawn-guy, investing in […]

A Tear to Your Eye and Hope to Your Heart

Caution: This may bring tears to your eyes and hope to your heart! Listen to this astounding interview with Dawson Church, Ph.D., on recent research that shows how powerful EFT can be for releasing stress, turbo-boosting the immune system,  altering our genes and for actually erasing PTSD– even war trauma! We in the EFT world […]