I remember it so clearly. There I was, one of many on the big yellow bus heading to school. A frosty fall morning and the windows fogged up with the breath and buzz of the students. I was in the second grade and full of magic. I just knew it. I was special and wanted to prove it to the big kids sitting in the back.
Nervously, I began making my way down the aisle bumping into knees and book bags, swaying with the dips and turns of the road. Down that long aisle full of stares and obstacles. Something in me needed them to see my magic. And that was my key- that was my ‘in’ with the big kids. That would make them accept me and acknowledge how truly special I was. Finally, I made it to the back and boldly proclaimed that I was, indeed magic and would they let me pass? Several boys blocked the way — their knees spanning the pathway and I could go no further.
“But I AM magic- I AM!”
And although I knew I was, indeed, magic- I had nothing. Nothing up my sleeve. Nothing to show. Nothing to prove to them how special I was. There were giggles and smirks and even some taunting. A few of the girls said how cute I was and told the boys to let me pass.
But it was no use. They wouldn’t let me through. As I sadly turned back and found my way into a bare, empty seat in the front I felt so sad and alone. Why didn’t they see my magic? Why couldn’t I show them? Maybe I wasn’t so special after all. Maybe there was no magic inside me after all.
In those moment doubts began to form and take hold and for most of my life separated me from the magic I truly am. For a long time I never felt good enough, special enough or believed I had enough to offer. And to tell you the truth, sometimes those voices still rise up from the depths of that old school bus. Especially when I’m ready to uplevel and take on bigger and bolder new projects or opportunities. But it’s no longer a 5th grade boy’s knee that blocks me from ‘playing with the big kids’ – it’s the old doubts about what I have- or don’t have to offer- if I’m special enough to proclaim myself an expert, a healer, an intuitive.
Yup- that’s what’s been front and center for me recently! And I’m telling you this because I am facing some really exciting new opportunities – and I had days and weeks to prepare and take action and start the ball REALLY rolling. And for a while, what did I do? Procrastinate, dither, play Monster Busters, drink coffee…… Everything BUT get my BUTT into gear! So, taptaptap, pod poc pod poc, right?!
If you’re in the same or similar boat just know it is SO normal for old stuff to come up again even if we’ve cleared it before. Uplevels often trigger this– not because we weren’t effective in clearing it before. We cleared what we could clear- to the level of where we were then. And new and bigger challenges are just an opportunity for us to clear at a higher level so we can move up even further– whether it be in your business, your money or career!
So when you feel yourself faced with new possibilities and you find yourself diving into your 45th game of Candy Crush for the day, it might be a good idea to take a breath, release the self-judgment and recognize you have a fabulous opportunity to create new and higher levels to rise into! Tap on the fear, the stress, the ‘what if’s’ and pod ‘n poc it all.
Let me get you started with an energy clearing here: Whatever implants and explants you have about new opportunities, upleveling and showing the world your inherent magic and uniqueness and they are keeping you in fear, self-sabotage and just make you want to run and hide, would you now be willing to uncreate and destroy all of that? (Just say Yes!)
And here’s another: What energy, space and conscious can you now choose to be that would allow you to use your magic, show your magic and be your magic and the contribution you are meant to be in this world? And anything that doesn’t allow you to do and be that, would you uncreate and destroy that too? (Just say Yes!)
And so, to that end, here is one of those upleveling opportunities that were brewing for me:
Connecting to Light Telesummit!
I’ve been invited to appear on this amazing series and my live interview is coming up tomorrow!! You can tune in and listen for free as we discuss how to Wake Up Your Money Mojo– i.e. your inherent magic with money!! Sign up here to listen live or to catch the 48 hour replay! Plus there are a ton of other amazing speakers and healers you’ll have access to when you sign up. Click here now to register: Connecting To Light
Remember that you are a unique and vital contribution to the world
& we need you to Be the Magic you Be!
(and everything that brought up, Pod & Poc!)