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An Abundant Definition of Money

“The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.” I LOVE that definition– (wish I could claim it as my own but I borrowed it from Joe Vitale who borrowed it from someone else!) When you view money like this it makes paying bills, giving to your church or charity, paying your lawn-guy, investing in […]

Tapping for Abundance

Admittedly this is a VERY broad topic and tapping works best when we can be specific but I wanted to give you an idea of how you can tap to increase your own abundance.  Let’s take the obvious example of money.  Everyone can use more money, right?!  But the limiting beliefs we were taught as […]

Abundance? In THIS Economy?!

What is abundance?  When you come across that word what pops into your mind?  Money?  The home of your dreams?  A fancy, new car? I think those things come to mind for many of us and those things can certainly be a piece of an abundant life.  But what comes to mind for me is […]

What Do You See?

What do you see when you look around?  What do you notice?  What do you expect?  It is really important, if we want to experience an abundant life, to program ourselves– to set our dials– to receive input on how much abundance is all around us.  We are all always swimming in it but rarely […]