What do you see when you look around?  What do you notice?  What do you expect?  It is really important, if we want to experience an abundant life, to program ourselves– to set our dials– to receive input on how much abundance is all around us.  We are all always swimming in it but rarely recognize that fact.  It’s easy to fall into the, “I don’t have enough money”  “I don’t have enough clients”  “I don’t have enough resources” type of mentality.  But look around!  Nature is a perfect example– Look at the trees and the 10s of thousands of leaves they sprout!– They aren’t aware of scarcity or lack.  They flourish and revel in abundance which is also our natural state!  All we need to do is open our eyes, recognize it, take some steps towards it and be willing and able to receive it.  (more on the ”able” part later!)

A year or so ago I attended a magnificent conference in Long Branch, NJ.  The hotel was on a gorgeous beach and the conference room had crystal clear floor to ceiling windows where we could watch the waves roll in and crash against the awaiting sand.  On the final day one of the attendees passed around a bag of rocks she’d collected on the beach.  Ok- now that I wrote that down it sounds kind of strange!   But it was actually wonderful gesture and reminder of the invigorating and healing event we had all just experienced.   I wanted to share that gesture with my family and so ventured out onto the sand to find my own rocks.   But where were they?  All I could see was broken shells and slimy seaweed!  I searched and searched and thought maybe it just wasn’t meant to be– that maybe the other woman had great luck and I wasn’t going to be able to find what she had.  I started feeling disappointed but decided to push on a little further down the beach.  Then, little by little I started noticing a rock here, a rock there, a few more scattered ahead.  And then I crested a dune.  My eyes widened as my heart skipped a beat!  There below me was a giant bed of rocks!  More than I could ever hope to count!  All sizes and shapes and hues– some with flecks of mica that sparkled in the bright sunshine and others worn beautifully smooth by the water and sand.  What a poignant reminder of what I had just learned!   I was able to pick and choose among them just what I had envisioned.  Had I not pushed on and looked around me I never would have found what I was looking for!   Abundance– It’s out there– It’s all around us!  Look with new eyes and expectation and push on down the beach just a little further because what you’re looking for may be just beyond the next dune!





  1. Arnulfo on the August 1, 2011 remarked #

    This is your best post yet!


  2. Heidi Garis on the August 4, 2010 remarked #

    Boy! News travels fast!! Faster than I’m able to create the show, for sure! But it is a project that I’m working on so stay tuned! (Pun intended!) 🙂

  3. Justin Stranere on the August 4, 2010 remarked #

    Love the new website Heidi. It loads quickly, flows nicely and looks awesome !! Best of luck promoting your new business blog as you will do wonderful….plus I head you are starting to outline your soon to come Web Tv show !!

  4. Josh Cassel on the August 4, 2010 remarked #

    Very nice, inspiring message! Often times our success is just over the “dune” we give up on climbing over.

  5. Rogerio Higa on the August 4, 2010 remarked #
