“I will see it when I believe it.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer

But what happens when you don’t believe it?  Our limiting beliefs- which can be conscious or unconscious- often keep us from achieving the healing we need, the success we crave and the abundance we deserve.  So what to do?   How do we go about changing those internal, ingrained and long-held beliefs?

Affirmations can be great but they are often deflected by the force-field like strength of our conflicting beliefs.    Working with a traditional coach or therapist for support and for a plan of action can help but again, it’s like swimming upstream if your beliefs are not in alignment with what you are working towards.

The quickest and most effective way to make a shift in what we believe is– wait for it—- Tapping!

No surprise there, huh?!  But seriously, tapping has taken me from believing I wasn’t deserving enough, smart enough, good enough (and many other not enoughs) to a place of confidence, peace and self-acceptance.  Believe me (pun intended) that is a much better place to be and achieving the health I want, the income I desire, the relationships that I long for have become exponentially easier!

Often things just occur- almost like magic!  It’s like things just line up for me as opposed to having to strain and struggle and hope that things will work out.  I like this side of the fence a whole lot more and I am where I am today largely because of the powerful tool of Tapping and because my beliefs are much more congruent with my goals.  I now actually believe that I am worth it.  I believe that I am smart enough.  I believe I deserve success!  And those beliefs help me to create the doors that open, the support that I need, the ideas and goals I have manifest into reality!

Here’s a tapping example of how to begin reversing a limiting belief around having to always struggle for money:

Say to yourself:  I have to struggle for my money.

How true does that feel to you?  Obviously we are not in a magical flash going to change the reality that you may be struggling right now.  But how true does that statement FEEL?  Rate that 1-10 with 10 feeling that is absolutely true.  Then take inventory of your physical self– When you say that do you feel any tension in your body?  Any aches or pains or an unsettled stomach?  Make note of that too.  Now start tapping:

Karate Chop Point:
Even though I was brought up believing you have to struggle for every penny, I accept that I’m ok anyway.
Even though in my heart I really think struggle is just a necessary part of life, I honor and respect my feelings
Even though it really feels like life is a struggle and that will never change, I’m going to be open to new possibilities

Tapping Through the Points:
Life is such a struggle
I’m always struggling
That’s what I was taught
That’s what I believe
And that’s what’s real for me
I have to struggle for every penny
I’m just eking out a living
There just doesn’t seem to be enough
If I’m not struggling it just doesn’t seem right
I’m supposed to struggle
Aren’t I?
Isn’t that how it works?
That’s what I was taught
And that’s what I believe
Struggle is just part of life
And that’s not going to change
I have to struggle for my money
I have to struggle just to get by
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Life is struggle
Struggle is life
They go together
At least for me
At least for me up to this point
It doesn’t always seem that way for others though
But it does for me
I have to struggle to get by
I have to struggle for every penny
But I wonder if there was a different way
I wonder why things come easier for others
I wonder if it could be that way for me?
Nah- struggle struggle struggle!
That’s my middle name
I wonder if I’m just used to the struggle
I wonder if I’ve just become comfortable with struggle
What would it be like not to struggle so much?
Is that even possible?
Probably not for me
Definitely not for me
My life just doesn’t work that way.
Struggle struggle struggle

It’s the theme of my life.

I need to struggle.

It’s who I am.

That’s what I was taught.

That’s how I was brought up.

And that’s been my reality for a long, long time.

I don’t see it changing.

It’s just the way it is– for me.

Now take inventory and see what’s shifted.

Say out loud: “I have to struggle for my money.”

Rate it 1-10 on how true it feels now.  Has it shifted?  If you had any physical sensations around this statement how has that changed?  What new thoughts came up while you were tapping?  Memories?  Other beliefs?   If you noticed what came up that’s your bunny trail.  You can follow those things and tap on them next- or you can continue tapping through this above to get it as low as possible.  If your number didn’t change then think about what didn’t land– Would different words have more meaning to you?  Change things around to see if that gets your number to move.  If it went up– Great!  That means were were on target– Keep tapping!!!  If it went down, even better!  Keep tapping until it’s low low low and “I have to struggle for my money” doesn’t feel like such a permanent truth.  Once you free yourself from this belief your ability to attract and earn money without a struggle will be strong– And, like Wayne Dyer says, If you believe it, you’ll see it!

If you want to make significant and powerful shifts in your limiting beliefs around your money, job, business health or weight be consistent and persistent with your tapping.  And if you are ready to make quantum leaps give me a call and we can talk about private coaching sessions that will set you free and allow you to soar!

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