Tap, Tap Tap! Tap, Tap Tap! Through the Holidays!!!

{To View My Entire December Newsletter Click HERE}

Holiday stress getting you down?  Feeling more Bah-Humbug then Ho! Ho! Ho!??  Lighten it up with some laughter and tapping!

Here’s the laughter part:  (For my new subscribers, Taiani is my precocious 5 year old who often makes it in my newsletter and blog posts!)

This was my FaceBook status the other day:

Taiani is thoroughly disgusted with my naivete. While driving her to and fro I can’t help but excitedly announce the presence of Santa, Frosty, The Grinch and other holiday characters that gracefully adorn neighborhood lawns. Taiani, on the other hand (not fooled for a second and darn proud of it), blandly pronounces them,… in a dull monotone voice, “Not Real.” “Not Real Mom.” She’s apparently got the skinny on the real Santa and tells me that he only comes at night when no one can see him.  No one EVER sees him.  When I asked her how we know what he looks like if no one has seen him she, without hesitation, boldly and with confidence said, “That’s because we have pictures of him, Silly.”

Laughter can be fabulous medicine for stress relief!!  By all means turn on The Big Bang Theory & watch all the YouTube ”laughing babies” clips you can handle but don’t forget to Tap Tap Tap! (If you’re not aware of the overarching negative effects stress has on us I encourage you to sign-up for my free report “The Devastating Effects of Stress” on my homepage at www.TapIntoAbundanceNow.com)

As you well know, the holiday season is chock-full of stress-inducing situations:  fighting your way through the jostling crowds while loaded down with packages, hanging Christmas lights with your spouse, over-spending on gifts, hosting the family dinner and spending time with those relatives you wish would move to Greenland!   So take advantage of the following Tapping Script and feel your stress melt away!

Since we’re dealing with a feeling rather than a belief check in with yourself right now– How stressed do you feel?  Where do you feel it– tightness in your shoulders, an unsettled stomach, pain in your neck, a dull headache?  Now rate how stressed you are from 1-10 (10 being the most stressed) and start tapping on the Karate Chop point:

Karate Chop Point:

Even though I have all this holiday stress I honor and accept myself and my feelings.

Even though I feel this holiday stress in my _______ (area of body) and it feels like a ________I’m open to accepting myself just as I am.

Even though I’m totally overwhelmed & stressed with all I have to do I’m just going to respect myself anyway.

(Now Tap Through the Points):

I’m totally stressed right now.
There’s so much to do!
How am I ever going to get it all done?
There’s not enough time!
I have to get it all done
And I don’t know how I’m going to do it!
Too much to do!
I feel so stressed!
So much holiday stress!

I wish it was just all over with.
I wish I could just enjoy the holidays for once without all this stress.
My big giant “To Do” list is full
And I just don’t have enough time!
I’m so overwhelmed
All this holiday stress
The stress of shopping
The stress of spending money
The stress of finishing decorating
That giant pile of gifts I have to wrap
Spending time with ___________
Baking cookies I won’t even get to eat!
All the events and activities
Too stressed to enjoy it
Too busy and overwhelmed
All this stress in my head
All this stress in my body
I feel it in my __________
I’m really feeling the stress right now
All this pressure
I’m under all this pressure!
I might just burst under all this pressure!
I can’t wait for the holidays to be over so I can just relax!

Remember that Tapping is a very forgiving process so don’t worry about skipping a point or saying the wrong thing.  In fact, if my words don’t resonate with you then change them up to fit how you’re feeling.

So after tapping through the above script check in with yourself and see what’s changed.  Has the tightness or pain or physical sensation increased, decreased stayed the same or even moved to a different area in your body?  Keep tapping through the script (or related things that come up) until you’re well below a 5– or even to a “0” if possible.  Then tap through the positive round below:  (no need for the karate chop point– just tap through the regular points)

Positive Round:

All this stress
I might be able to handle it now
All this overwhelm
I’m feeling like I can do this
All this stress I was feeling in my body
I’m feeling much better now
I’m releasing all my holiday stress
I’m releasing all my holiday overwhelm
I am feeling much more resilient
I am feeling much more calm
I am feeling surprisingly calm and peaceful
I might even be able to enjoy my last minute shopping
I might even be able to enjoy my decorating
I might even be able to eat some of my delicious cookies
I might even be able to enjoy visitng with ____(undesired family member) 🙂
Feeling calm
Feeling peaceful
Feeling relaxed
Claiming calm
Claiming peace
Claiming relaxation
Choosing to feel calm
Choosing to feel peaceful
Choosing to feel relaxed
All this holiday calm
All this holiday peace
All of this holiday joy
Ho!!  Ho!!  Ho!!

I hope you’re feeling much more at ease after tapping away some of your holiday stress.  There are many other kinds of holiday stress too– Worries about over-eating, the grief of losing a loved one, feeling lonely or actually being alone.  Use the script, if need be, as a framework to tailor your own tapping rounds to your own stresses and worries and then get to tap, tap, tapping!   Remember to be persistent, consistent, to maintain focus and above all, set your intention to achieve whatever result you are aiming for!

If you’re still not making the progress you’d like & want to make significant and powerful shifts in your stress level and its effects give me a call and we can talk about private coaching sessions that will set you free and allow peace and calm to rule!

Belated Happy Hannukah!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

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