For many of us the word “trauma” means a big, giant, horrifying experience. And in many cases that is certainly true. But to our energy system and subconscious many past, seemingly small and insignificant experiences may be stored as trauma. Anything that makes you gasp in surprise, jump in fear or make you feel that bottomless pit in your stomach can actually qualify as trauma.
Here are some examples of large trauma:
*Being involved in a car accident
*Experiencing a divorce (as an adult or a child)
*Death of a spouse or child
*Physical, Sexual, Mental Abuse
*Collapse of a business
*Loss of a job
*Witnessing a violent act
*Forgetting your lines in the school play
*Learning your were the butt of a joke among your peers
*Being reprimanded unjustly by a trusted teacher
*Being startled at a large thunderclap
*Failing a test in college
*Realizing that the mortgage check bounced
*Falling flat on your face in front of a crowd
*Being called on and getting the answer wrong
Our lives are full of potentially traumatic events! Even things like watching the nightly news can be traumatizing! (So turn it off and select the news you want to read about in the paper or select what you want to watch online! Don’t let yourself be bombarded over and over again night after night!)
When we experience large or small trauma, often the physical body takes it on, “downloads” the experience into our tissues and energy system and stores it there where it sits and percolates. Our bodies are like giant receptacles but do not have limitless capacity. At some point there is overflow and that is when, among other things, we can pop a symptom, experience pain, feel overwhelm, stress and the inability to move forward. Traumas, big and small can have a giant impact on how we do business, interact with our significant others, on our body’s ability to heal or to not heal, and even whether or not we remain in debt or are bringing in the bucks. So don’t trivialize those seemingly “little” events and hurts in your past (or present) because they could be keeping you from reaching your goals and dreams!
Look below for some guided tapping on how to release some of the smaller traumas we have absorbed. {Larger trauma — especially sustained and repeated trauma –may be best dealt with in partnership with a trained & experienced therapist/EFT practitioner. Tapping tends to unearth memories and feelings that could be disorienting and even re-traumatizing and trained practitioners use special approaches so that the releasing and clearing process is safe and much less overwhelming.}
*Before beginning tapping, pinpoint a small trauma event that you’d like to clear, identify the emotions it triggers, rate them on a scale of 1-10 and note where you feel it in your body. We don’t necessarily have to relive our traumatic experiences in order to release them so first try tapping on “that time” or “that experience.” If you’re not getting the results you’d like then try adding in a bit of detail but not so much as to cause distress.
**If you are a new subscriber and unfamiliar with EFT & Meridian Tapping click here to watch a tutorial video on the How to Tap page.
Releasing Small Trauma
Karate Chop Point:
Even though I can’t believe that happened and I still remember it clearly I respect how I feel and am now open to letting it go.
Even though that was kind of traumatic for me back then and it’s still with me today I love and accept myself anyway.
Even though I went through that and it made me feel ______ I accept that I am safe now and choose to release this from my body and mind.
Tapping Through the Points:
That time back then
It’s still with me
I felt so ______
It didn’t feel safe
I didn’t feel safe
I still remember that time
It’s still affecting me today
I feel it in my _______(stomach, head, back)
I’ve been carrying this around a long time
That was actually a big deal for me
I kind of dismissed it before
But it really affected me
That experience was actually a trauma
I honor my mind for protecting me
I’m grateful for my body for taking the impact
But I’m ready to let it go now
I’ve been holding on too long
That time back then
I still remember
I felt so ______
It made an impact
I’m still carrying it with me
That traumatic event
I realize now it was a trauma for me
And that’s ok
But I’m ready to move on
I’m ready to let go
It made me feel unsafe
It made me feel unprepared
It made me feel unprotected
And I can see I still feel that way
But it’s time to let it go
I’m open to clearing this trauma
I’m ready to let it go
I choose to release the fear it caused
I accept that I am safe now
Releasing all the fear
Releasing all the hurt
Releasing this trauma from my mind and body
And knowing I am safe
Take a deep breath and reassess your emotional intensity and how your physical symptoms have changed. Keep going through the above script to decrease your intensity and when you get below a “5” move on to the positive round below.
Tapping Through the Points:
I’m letting it go
This old experience
Releasing it from my body
Releasing it from my mind
Replacing it with peace
Replacing it with calm
Grateful to my mind
Grateful to my body
Feeling safe again
Feeling calm
Clearing it from my system
No need to hold on
Feeling in control
Feeling protected
Feeling free
I honor my strength
I honor my Inner Self
For keeping me safe
For helping me let go
Claiming peace
Claiming love
Claiming calm
Claiming safety
Feeling joy